Stream Restoration Study of the Unnamed Little Chippewa Creek Tributary


The City of Orrville and the residents along High Street and Elm Street observed erosion problems along a small headwater stream to the Little Chippewa Creek that runs through Orr Park.  The stream has eroding stream banks and the streambed is degrading resulting in loss of property and the exposure of infrastructure that runs along and beneath the streambed.  The majority of the problems are cited along the section of the creek between High Street and Ella Street, including Orr Park.


The City of Orrville contacted the Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization (NEFCO) to give a preliminary assessment of the stream’s condition.  After this preliminary assessment and meeting with the City of Orrville, NEFCO was contracted to complete a watershed assessment and provide recommendations of potential corrective measures.  The two-phase assessment consists of a diagnostic study of the stream and watershed and a feasibility analysis providing recommendations on how best to address the current stream problems by both the city and residents.

The overall purpose of this study is to develop a cooperative approach between residents, businesses, and the City of Orrville to address the stream problems along this unnamed tributary stream to the Little Chippewa Creek.  The stream issues and their causes are occurring on both private and public properties requiring understanding and cooperation among all of the watershed residents to bring about an agreeable solution(s).

June 20, 2012

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