Nimishillen Creek Watershed


The Nimishillen Creek Watershed is located in northeast Ohio, and drains 188 square miles. Larger municipalities in the watershed include the cities of Canton, Louisville, North Canton, East Canton, and Green. Row crop agriculture is dominant in the north and northeastern portions of the watershed. The City of Canton and several industries are located in the center of the watershed; significant point source discharges include the Canton WWTP, Marathon Petroleum, and the Timken Corporation. Land development in the rural and undeveloped portions of the watershed is occurring at a slow rate.

drainage tennis

Major causes of impairment are nutrients, bacteria, organic enrichment, flow alteration and degraded habitats. Major sources of impairment include municipal and industrial point sources, urban run-off, home septic systems, and nonpoint source pollution and habitat degradation associated with farming practices and drainage improvements (Ohio EPA, 2009).

Intent of the Action Plan

  1. Develop a plan to protect and/or restore the water quality of the Nimishillen Creek and its tributaries to meet state water quality standards and ensure the health and safety of watershed residents.
  2. Raise public awareness, especially among the watershed's residents, of the pollution sources and solutions in the Nimishillen Creek Watershed.
  3. Consolidate existing watershed information from previous reports and studies into a single user-friendly report; as well as, create a reporting format that can easily be updated when new information becomes available.


Nimishillen Creek Watershed Action Plan - Draft Update

DrainageNEFCO and the Nimishillen Creek Watershed Partners completed a DRAFT update (January 31, 2012) to the Nimishillen Creek Watershed - State Action Plan. The information added included Nimishillen Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) data from Ohio EPA, updated home sewage treatment system (HSTS) plan, and various other updates to information and data that has become available since the Plan's endorsement in 2007. The update does not modify any of the water quality issues, goals, objectives, or actions contained in the original Action Plan. Updates to these items are currently being reviewed by the Watershed Partners and NEFCO.

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