Maia Peck



Watershed Planner/GIS

Environmental PlanningStaff

Maia Peck, AICP

Maia Peck is the Watershed Planner/GIS Specialist for NEFCO. Maia conducts watershed planning and management studies in the NEFCO region. She is currently working with local, state, and regional partners on lake management efforts for the Portage Lakes and their watershed. Maia is responsible for the mapping aspects of the Clean Water Plan updates and amendments and recently constructed an online 208 mapping application. She also uses GIS mapping for a variety of analyses in watershed planning. Maia and the NEFCO team can provide technical assistance with general inquiries, analyses, and mapping related to water and watershed conditions, management, and the interaction with the human environment.

Maia has worked at NEFCO since 2003 and has over 30 years of experience as an environmental planner in the public and private sectors. Maia is AICP certified planner. She received a Masters degree in Community Planning and a Bachelors degree in Geology, both from the University of Rhode Island.  Please email Maia or call (330) 643-5043, if you have any questions.

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